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“It feels great!”

Redefined my notion of what is possible with my own marketing material. Coming from a marketing background, I know how to promote brands, but my own? Not so much. I now find myself inundated with interview requests and offers to collaborate on new projects. It feels great! I am grateful to AmpResume for opening new doors for me.

"Opened new doors for me"

Brad Tobler - AVC

The Problem

Brad is an accomplished writer and marketer who feels stuck in his existing job. He has not been promoted in over three years and was eager to demonstrate his value so he can climb the career ladder.

The problem: his existing resume is not firing on all cylinders.

  • His career summary lacks authority, targeted keywords and a clear statement of value.
  • His work history is not written according to industry best practices. For each job in your work history, describe your routine tasks in a short paragraph, then follow up with 3-6 bullet points detailing your achievements. This allows you to clearly differentiate between tasks and achievements, making for a more effective and appealing layout.
  • His resume included some redundant portions, such as the "personal information", a.k.a. "hobbies", section. These sections just take up valuable space. You would be well advised to remove them.

Before using an online template, remember that the best resumes – and the ones most compatible with ATS – are simple MS Word documents. When you use any of the pre-formatted designs or online templates, you are all but guaranteed to fail older versions of ATS, and potentially get yourself knocked out of the race. 

The Solution

We apply a conversational tone to Brad’s LinkedIn profile, drawing people in with a story that highlights his strengths, accomplishments and added value. Brad’s online portfolio frames him as a “copywriting mastermind”; we take inspiration from his website to deliver a bespoke cover image that describes what he does while staying true to his tone and brand. 

The resume and cover letter, on the other hand, present a stimulating narrative as an established, successful marketing guru and accomplished writer. We add all the right keywords, branding statements, clear achievements and a statement of value – then complement with proper formatting, grammar, and syntax to deliver a competitive resume that is aligned with his career ambitions.

The Core Message:

Brad is a creative marketing guru and accomplished copywriter who engineers standard-setting marketing collateral that get the job done.

The Result:

Brad never did change careers, preferring instead to start his own business. He stated that his LinkedIn profile now appears in dozens of weekly search results. He often gets approached by recruiters, managers and business owners seeking his input or collaboration on creative projects. Brad estimates that this new networking pipeline has led to tens of thousands of dollars of added revenue.

Like what you see?

Are you ready to:

  • Get better quality interviews with less effort?
  • Use the right messaging to attract better offers?
  • Increase your income, and make more money?

Let's work together to redefine your brand. It only takes a few minutes to get started, and discover a NEW you!