Contract Manager

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"Truly amazing results!"

Searching for a job IS a full-time job. I just didn’t have the time to write my own resume, let alone a cover letter and LinkedIn profile. Nor did I have the time to research keywords. Thankfully, AmpResume made it easy, and taught me how to apply to get the most value from my new resume. When I used my new resume, it felt like I heard back from about 75% of my applications. Truly amazing results.

"Heard back from most applications"

Jason Miller - Oracle

The Problem

Jason is a contract manager with a passion for law. He has a doctorate and 2 master’s degrees, and feels like his current salary and position do not reflect his skills, experience and education. He is ready to take the next step up the corporate ladder. Recognizing that the job market has evolved, he reached out to us for help.

A quick glance at his resume reveals some important oversights:

  • His work history was not written according to industry best practices. For each job in your work history, describe your routine tasks in a short paragraph, then follow up with 3-6 bullet points detailing your achievements. This allows you to clearly differentiate between tasks and achievements, making for a more effective and appealing layout.
  • He uses a 2-column layout. While that may seem reasonable, many older versions of ATS (the automated screening algorithms companies use to screen out candidates) cannot read information in 2 separate columns. Stick to 1 column to play it safe.
  • His work history is sparse on accomplishments and fails to properly articulate his value.

Because of the sheer volume of applicants, recruiters spend less than 7 seconds on average scanning resumes. A poorly written resume stands no chance, even if the candidate himself is a good fit for that position. That’s why it’s important to get everything right from the onset.

The Solution

Occasionally, we get candidates whose resumes seriously under-sell them, stifling their career potential. Jason is one such candidate. He has a handful of master’s degrees, a PhD in law, and over 18 years’ experience in various legal roles. It is unfortunate when a promising candidate struggles to get his career off the ground, especially when the problem is easily remedied.

We start by removing much of the dry and clichéd language from his old resume to present the narrative of an accomplished academic and a veteran of contract law. His accomplishments take center stage and, combined with his updated LinkedIn profile and impressive academic credentials, leave no room for doubt as to Jason’s true value and potential.

The Core Message

Jason is an out-of-the-box thinker and accomplished academic who solves complex problems with a seasoned understanding of international legal frameworks.

The Result

Jason takes advantage of our e-book and learns how to tailor his new resume for each job application. It didn’t take long for him to see terrific results; three interviews in two weeks, and two job offers one month later. Jason now enjoys improved job satisfaction, enhanced job security, and a more senior position – on top of increased pay. Better still, he has learned valuable career lessons that will last a lifetime.

Like what you see?

Are you ready to:

  • Get better quality interviews with less effort?
  • Use the right messaging to attract better offers?
  • Increase your income, and make more money?

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